Satisfactory activities


I love planting a ton of melons and pumpkins. Even better when I get a giant crop.
Also... for some reason xD mining that purple rock that that drops either rubies or topaz is so satisfying.


For you what is the most satisfying activity in the game? For me, harvesting the blueberry crops and seeing how a duplicate crop comes out is very satisfactory.
Using the scythe to wipe out tons of grass and weed. It's just satisfying to clear out those with the huge area covered by each swing and it's very efficient. Filling the bar to full and hitting a max cast while fishing also feels good.

Magically Clueless

Staff member
i loooove love love harvesting cranberries. it's why they're my favorite crop in the game

it's satisfying when you finally get the last thing you were missing, like the last fish or the last craftable


I get so excited when my barrels age the wine or cheese. I never can remember how long it takes so I check every day. I get VERY excited when I get to pull the stuff out and put it in the mail bin!

Lew Zealand

Full catch of Iridium quality fish (very rare).
Full Greenhouse of Ancient Fruit.
Full Shed of Ancient Fruit jelly processing.
Full cellar of Starfruit wine processing.

And selling it for 150-200K g
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To get a lot of money early in the game I put one chest at each of the main fishing spots in the game (Ocean, Lake, River) and then I fill up those chests with fish and treasure I find and when they are all filled I take out the stuff I don't want to sell and the stuff in bundles and I sell the rest and it's awesome when I finally finish the last chest