Switch Same network co-op


Don’t know how to get this fixed but doing co-op on same network makes it crash once another player joins. For example, if i’m on a hotspot and another player i’m same household is on wifi, it will work but once we are both on wifi it will kick one of us off to a communication error.

Mick Row

To be on hotspot means, your have a different internet connection via your mobile?
And the other player is using wifi of your land line internet connection?

As per above case, you are not in the same network and connecting via steam with the "connection code" given by the host should work.

It might also help to have some more info on which platform you are using.

For connecting while on the same wifi (LAN game) I always recommend to use the IP address of the host and not the code, to avoid routing problems.
Who of you will be kicked off exactly and when? Did the game even start and runs for a while? Changing the connection during the game also would not keep it alive.


yes via mobile and yes to the landline wifi

changed ip address too didn’t work game will let me choose the farm i’m going too then cuts out

this is on two different nintendo switches

i’m the one going into the farm as a second player the first player can start the farm but it will cut out as soon i as i try to join

Mick Row

ok, nintendo switch is out of league, since i am not familiar with this device and how the connection progress works with the game. changing the ip should not be needed, you can find out the IP of your device given by your router in "settings", "internet" and thats what you should use manually on the client to connect to your host. seems you could already find the game, if it's done automaticly or via a join code, that might cause problems. if manually connect however leads to the same problem, it most likely sounds like your wifi or router settings are to blame. probably try this in another environment first (wifi of your neighbours or an old unused router).
did it work before? i think someone else should step in to help.