Windows Ring Destruction At Forge After Fusing Rings


Computer details: Windows OS. Launched from Steam. Co-op host computer.
Controls: Mouse and keyboard.

In-game location: Ginger island, volcano forge.

Description: First time in this co-op game making it to the end of the volcano. I activated the forge and added my Iridium Band and my Crabshell Ring. I clicked the button to fuse the rings then I picked up the ring so that it was hovering where my mouse was. Instead of putting it in my bag, I clicked to the right of the forge (hoping to close the interface) but my ring disappeared and did not return. I assume this is similar to an issue I read about where the ring was destroyed in the lava if your bag was full. The difference being that this time I accidentally 'threw' it into the lava? I'm not sure if that is the case since the interface did not close when I clicked. I could not visually confirm the lava took the ring.