Regarding PyTK (and SMAPI 4.0)


Hey all, I was looking through nexus for an answer, no luck, and I don't want to bother a mod creator unnecessarily, but I am asking about the smapi log warning of PyTK being essentially outdated and a future warning of incompatibility.

Right now the error is: "[SMAPI] Enabled compatibility mode for PyTK 1.23.0 or earlier. This won't cause any issues, but may impact performance." and then a bit about there will not be support with SMAPI 4.0, but what I can't figure out is does that mean pre 1.23 version will not be supported or PyTK as a whole will not be supported, and if so, do I just wait and see how certain mods update to account for not using PyTK or just have to deal with not playing those mods?

Simple curiosity--I would love to know if anyone has any information. Certainly non critical :)

Have a lovely day & happy farming!

Lenora Rose

The PYTK warning it itself outdated, and for most people playing a modded game it will have no effect. It was updated recently *to* the number listed as outdated, which makes it weirder.

There has been an ongoing issue that the person who made PYTK hasn't been updating it in a "timely" fashion, which means anyone trying to use mods still dependant on it has been experiencing frustration and delays. (Since it's sonething the modder did for free and they may well have other things to do with their time, they may even be making the best choice for them, and life happens. nonetheless) This is causing many mod-makers to try and extract their mods from it and find alternatives. I can't say for sure how serious the SMAPI warning for the next big version is, but that's the context.