Issue Red Text in SMAPI- unsure of what they mean


Hello all! I was playing last night and I occasionally will pull up my SMAPI window just to check that everything is running as it should. I noticed these lines (all one after another) but am unsure what caused it or where they're stemming from.
I have attached a file that should have all the mods I use listed.

[Stardew Valley Expanded Code] Couldn't load grange judging dialogue. Target asset: "Strings\StringsFromCSFiles:Event.cs.1602"

[game] NPC 'Victor' failed to parse master schedule 'Sun' with raw data '0 Custom_JenkinsHouse 31 5 0/610 Custom_JenkinsHouse 31 5 1/700 Custom_JenkinsHouse 6 8 0/830 Custom_JenkinsHouse 30 37 0/1000 Custom_OliviaCellar 14 9 2/1100 Custom_OliviaCellar 6 6 0 Victor_Wine1/1400 Town 53 52 2/1700 Custom_JenkinsHouse 30 37 0/1800 Custom_JenkinsHouse 27 6 2/2100 Custom_JenkinsHouse 31 5 1 Victor_Sleep'.

System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: Required location 'Custom_OliviaCellar' not found.
at StardewValley.Game1.RequireLocation(String name, Boolean isStructure) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 11175

at StardewValley.NPC.pathfindToNextScheduleLocation_PatchedBy<spacechase0.SpaceCore>(NPC this, String scheduleKey, String startingLocation, Int32 startingX, Int32 startingY, String endingLocation, Int32 endingX, Int32 endingY, Int32 finalFacingDirection, String endBehavior, String endMessage)

at StardewValley.NPC.parseMasterScheduleImpl(String scheduleKey, String rawData, List`1 visited)

