Quick Ginger Island Question. Possible spoilers


I just upgraded the Ginger Island house and I have to say, it is a very nice house.

I'm married to Shane and we just adopted a baby. Will I lose affection with my husband if I sleep on the island? I mean, I'd be pretty steamed if my husband left me to tend to our child by myself so that he could go bask in a tropical paradise. Will this drive Shane back into the tender arms of booze? Will my child end up being raised by wolves (parrots, or Linus)? Or will they simply not give a fluff if Daddy goes out for taro root one day and just never returns.


Local Legend
You do lose a small amount of friendship points with your spouse when you go to bed... if you have not interacted with your spouse that day. So, say you wake up, chat up Shane, go to the Island, sleep there, do more stuff, head home and talk to Shane again before going to bed? No friendship points lost on either day.

If you stay out there indefinitely, yes, you will start to lose friendship points. You won't get friendship points with your kids, but you won't lose any either, as their friendship works like a pet's in that you never lose any. Eventually, though, it gets really easy to return home from the island. One of the island upgrades (an obelisk) makes it so that there's not much point in sleeping there, honestly. Also, eventually, it should be pretty easy to get to the island too, as there's an obelisk for that too.
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Thank you. I wish I could pack up him and the kiddo and just relocate them to the island with me. Although I suspect this may cause Shane to into "The Shining" mode after a while.

Lew Zealand

Em, so here's one way not to manage your newly non-single lifestyle:

Put in quite a bit of extra annoying Ginger Island work solving the parrot challenges and riddles. Be really thick-headed and only figure half of the secrets and not extend those hints to how the others should work. Wow. Brainy no worky.

Come up with a similar idea as imnvs' of sleeping on the island so I can say Hi to Haley on the morning one day and in the evening the next.


The baby is delivered the first night I'm gone, barely a month past being married. Uh, heh, sorry honey who knew the adoption agency would come *that* night, heh, right??


Who'da thought that'd happen, with a meteor, 2 Prismatic Shards, a Void Chicken and a Strange Capsule by Year 2 Summer?

This is why you buy the Large Brown Couch. The Brownness is made up for by the Largeness.