Android Quests no longer Appear on the Board


A template you can follow:
  • explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens); First time it happened was in version 1.5, season 10, android. I'm a senior(64) and can hardly navigate the game nevermind this place. I started a new farm after V6 came out, still on android. It's doing it again, starting about season 5. I have no idea if there was a pattern.
  • your version number, including build number (see instructions below); V6, don't know what a build # is but my app only says version 6.
  • full error text, if any (see instructions below); There's no error message, just blank on the part where you pick which quest you want.
  • please upload your save file! Went to the settings page where the gamer controller icon is. Nothing there that says save file.
  • what OS and device you are using; Android Samsung 23's OS
  • in-game language; English
  • single-player or multiplayer; single, didn't know I could do multi(!) -Yay!
  • if you're using controller or keyboard/mouse; stylus if that counts?
  • anything else you think might be relevant; I've seen something about emergency starts and I have no idea if that means 'do you want to start where you left off?' If it does then I have avoided doing it on the second farm(V6). I've seen nothing saying emergency start.

    I've seen what must be gamer language and my daughter has informed me of some but I have no idea what modded is so I must not have it lol