PC Quality of Life Bugs


- When using a rain totem, it rains in the winter instead of snowing
- Doors remained locked during festivals with a key to the town
- Clipping out of bounds is still possible through loading screens using swords because every swing makes you take a step forward, letting you bypass loading areas and to get out of bounds
- No quick trash from inventory, so a friend filling your farm with furniture is the worst thing they can do to you
- light from braziers are still visible in clear day, making the ground yellowish
- Owl and UFO events happen too frequently now, as I have gained 3 owls and 3 strange capsules in less than 3 months
- Buildings break path ways, while not a bug, is rather inconvenient for warp totem poles, as they look terrible
- Pathways can be placed on stairs on farm types with stair options, however, not on bridges in hill-top farms
- While using the Shine of Illusions, your hat remains on, so seeing eye color and accessory changes is impossible until you exit the menu, take it off, and try again
- There is no way to turn full screen and windowed back and forth with a shortcut key instead of using the drop down menu
- When painting a building, there is no color code you can input to get an exact color
- Coop members cannot paint anything, such as their stables, but the farm owner can


Some of these are not bugs I believe (or at least, are intended)

- "When using a rain totem, it rains in the winter instead of snowing" - not a bug, and a very good thing actually! This is the ONLY way to get the Mermaid's Pendant in Winter and the only way to catch Walleye and Red Snapper in Winter as well. I figure Rain Totems are magical, and as such, when it says rain, it means it! xD

- "Clipping out of bounds is still possible through loading screens using swords because every swing makes you take a step forward, letting you bypass loading areas and to get out of bounds" - since this has been around forever I assume it's not intended to be fixed, left in as a bonus for people that really want to do those things.

- "No quick trash from inventory, so a friend filling your farm with furniture is the worst thing they can do to you" - Can't you trash things using the trash can on the right-hand side of the inventory screen? Admittedly I haven't tried this with furniture (I don't decorate my house at all until super late game ^_^'), but honestly I don't think there's any other way to get rid of furniture short of a bomb or dumping it into water, so I think it's got to work.

- "Owl and UFO events happen too frequently now, as I have gained 3 owls and 3 strange capsules in less than 3 months" - Well, this is relative. At least they work at all (and I really love the owl statue!) I started a new file when 1.5 was released and I've gotten the owl event 1 time and the capsule not at all. I've been playing that file for almost a year and a half game-time. Also during that time I got 1 meteor, 1 fairy visit, and 1 witch visit, and two separate mushroom trees spawns. So it feels like it's in line with all the other possible nightly events now? You just got hit by RNG that happened to favor the owl/capsule. Perhaps the odds could be tweaked a bit lower, but... I like having these events and not having to play until year 4+ for them (as I usually am done and start a new file by the end of Year 3)


- "When painting a building, there is no color code you can input to get an exact color" - I actually agree with this one, though there *is* the ability to Save a few colors so you can be consistent across buildings which is nice. It'd be even nicer if we could, as you say, input a code, or 'eyedrop' something else on screen, or something to get a specific color more easily (e.g, maybe I want my barns to be the exact same colors as the original unpainted house). I also feel like we shouldn't have to upgrade the building 100% to paint it. What if I don't *want* a fully upgraded coop? (I actually really like the small first coop design to hold a few ducks near a pond... then my upgraded coop is for everything else.) There seems to be no actual reason not to be able to paint the 'un-upgraded' buildings. Just carry over the paint colors if you do upgrade it later! Also I haven't tried it but I assume we can't... it would be awesome if we could paint things like the shipping box, greenhouse, and mill.

The rest I can't speak to. ^_^


- No quick trash from inventory, so a friend filling your farm with furniture is the worst thing they can do to you
I'm not sure what "quick trash from inventory" should entail exactly, but you can pick up an item and press delete to quickly trash them. (It would be nice if you could do that within a shop/catalogue menu, but that seems like a separate suggestion.)

- Pathways can be placed on stairs on farm types with stair options, however, not on bridges in hill-top farms
Stairs are the same kind of tile as the grass you walk around with, but the little bridges are on a different layer. It's not impossible that they decide to change it, but it makes sense to me that it's like this. It'd look pretty weird, too -- although they also look weird in lots of places you can use them :P

Coop members cannot paint anything, such as their stables, but the farm owner can
There's a setting in multiplayer options for Building Move Mode. I think painting is covered by this as well, so if you have it set to "host only" then farmhands won't be able to paint any building, even if they "own" it.