A while back, I was playing on the four corners farm map and wanted to destroy the bush in front of the cave so I could decorate it with a sign and torch, but I couldn't destroy the bush, even though my axe was upgraded. At first, I thought that this might possibly be a bug with this specific bush, but upon doing some research, I came to find out that destroying bushes with an upgraded axe is only possible on the forest and river maps for some reason. Ever since this revelation, on multiple occasions, I've had to adjust a farm plan that was coming along beautifully in the Stardew Valley farm planner because I realized that there was a bush in a particular spot, and I wouldn't be able to destroy it because it wasn't a forest or river farm. I can understand why this is the case on the forest and river farm, since these are the maps where farming space is the most limited, but I don't see any harm in being able to destroy bushes on all of the farm maps.