Switch Qi quest disappeared when the season changed


I was so so close to being done the Qi's kindness quest (give 50 gifts people love in a week) and was only on day three or four max but when the season changed the quest was gone. 😭
Sorry to hear that k8tilton 🥺, that's a bummer after collecting all the goodies needed for sure. It looks like these may refresh on Mondays regardless of when you start, so if you start later in the week you don't get the full week. They seem to be repeatable though, if the readings I've found online about these is correct. The wiki article is unclear on this info probably because it is still an unfinished stub. Regardless, I hope this helps, sorry it isn't better news though. 🌸

I had no idea either until you mentioned it and it got me curious, so I did some digging, I'm glad you mentioned it!

I found the info here (it has spoilers about other quests):
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Exactly what @CryogenCrystals said.

All Qi quests are available from Monday to Sunday. If you pick it up on Sunday, it will disappear the next morning because a new quest is available.

The same is true for the community board quests.

For quests that can take longer than one week, the counter will still reset on a Sunday night.

That's why I always check them Monday morning.