Available from Mr Qi's walnut room after purchasing the key. Adds 'anytime shopping' to Key to the Town functionality, if you have max hearts with that shopkeeper - and always works for shops with no friendship-able shopkeepers. Marnie is now included. Purchases from Clint are included but opening geodes is not - in a realistic sense he would have to be there to do it, right?
The Adventurer's Guild is included if you've done all the monster bounties.
Pierre and Gus already have honesty boxes for the days they're at the resort, so it's pretty much an extension of that. The max heart requirement basically says that person trusts you enough that they're ok with you shopping while they aren't there.
It sounds a bit OP but being a very late-game item it's basically just an extra convenience since I think most people are probably well established by then.

Pierre and Gus already have honesty boxes for the days they're at the resort, so it's pretty much an extension of that. The max heart requirement basically says that person trusts you enough that they're ok with you shopping while they aren't there.

It sounds a bit OP but being a very late-game item it's basically just an extra convenience since I think most people are probably well established by then.