I'd love to see some more diversity in the different profession choices. I like most of the current choices though, and I hope that these just get added alongside it. Here's some of the stuff I'd like to see.
- "Gourmand": Increases the sell price of all cooked dishes by 50%. A farming skill.
- "Archaeologist": Doubles the spawn rate of worms in the ground. A foraging skill.
- Change the "Tracker" profession to double the spawn rate of foragables instead of showing you where they are.
- "Chemist": Decrease the production time of the crystalarium by 50%. A mining skill.
- "Scavenger": Put the effects of the burglars ring (double monster drops) in a skill and change the burglars ring to something different. A combat skill.
- "Fishery", and "Fishery Master": Double the growth and output of a fish pond.