Produce & Forage Shipped (Ship one of every item in the Items Shipped [Farm & Forage] tab in the collections menu).


On a faint night, let me show you the items I have collected from "Shipped (Farm & Forage)" and shipped them overnight. Even though there are advantages and disadvantages, you can find more complete information on the wiki. It's up to you to explore the secrets behind each of these items. (;一_一)

“If you have anything to sell, just place it in this box here. I'll come by during the night to collect it.”
— Lewis



If you put all those in a soup, you could be my Zen Master and make me one with everything.

I wasn't sure what to think about the 2 Stones but then I remembered: Stone Soup. Of course!
I only sent the items that were ingrained in my memory, the part of the delivery I remembered. However, maybe something is forgotten among the shadows of memories, or maybe something is missing without a trace. In the dark and mystery, this shipment remains an enigma that has not been fully solved. T_T