Prismatic Dyeing - prismatic shard v rainbow shell


Local Legend
Okay, I love me my prismatic (rainbow/color-changing) clothing, and the hats to match. In at least 1 save I have a full prismatic outfit with the prismatic genie pants, prismatic shirt and magic turban (which is prismatic), and in at least 1 save I have a full prismatic outfit with the prismatic pants, prismatic shirt and magic cowboy hat (prismatic). They're annoying to get right because of the randomness of how prismatic clothing is made (each attempt gets 1 random prismatic clothing item from list of 3 shirts and 2 pants for a 1 in 5 shot at the item you want if you wanted a particular one), and how expensive the magic hats are (333 omni geodes each at the Desert Trader)... but they're not all that difficult to get in late game, let's be honest. Literally any game I've played for all that long I'll have a full prismatic outfit...

...but I think that's not enough.

See, I think that before 1.5 there were fewer uses for prismatic shards, but with the addition of 1.5 content you need a lot more prismatic shards for uses other then getting super-cool, super-expensive clothes. I'd like to see the dyeing functionality split the functionality we currently see when it comes to prismatic shards and rainbow shells. Currently, 1 shard or shell used to dye clothing opens up a slider-bar interface for you to customize the color for that item of clothing. Prismatic shards being rarer, more valuable and more powerful, well, I think they should do something better than what the rainbow shells can accomplish.

My proposal?

Make prismatic clothing a function of dyeing, not tailoring. Maybe leave the tailoring options, but also enable the use of prismatic shards to make prismatic clothing of other designs. The clothing item to be dyed must, obviously, be dyeable, and then have dyeing with a prismatic shard make a prismatic version of that item. So you can have the "heart T", the black shirt with a dyeable heart on it, make it so the heart cycles through the rainbow as you're running around? Maybe a prismatic bikini top? The possibilities are endless, and I think would create a new, expanded option for looks for folks looking to make "expensive outfits".
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Or maybe once a prismatic clothing item is unlocked you are able to change the color with the above mentioned slider, but you can do it no matter where you are just by going into the inventory.