Printable map?

Lew Zealand

Hi Windysue and Welcome to the Forums! Here is a map which isn't super detailed but might be enough when printed out:


This is pretty much the same one you can view in-game when you bring up your Crafting or Farmer info overlay and click the World tab.

Lew Zealand

There are more detailed maps for each region which will probably end up being wayyy too many printouts, but here they are if you're interested. I left out places that are unlocked later in the game, you'll know your way around once you get to opening those spots up. Have fun!

East of your Farm is the Bus Stop:

Further east of the Bus Stop is Pelican Town:

South of Pelican Town is the Beach:

North of Pelican Town is the Mountain:

Starting from your Farm again, south is Cindersap Forest (with a path to Pelican Town at the east):

North of your Farm is the Backwoods (which is a shortcut to the Mountain):


Further east of the Bus Stop is Pelican Town:
As a heads up, that top right cliff above Joja (the blue shopping building with the truck) has a pair of stairs not shown that leads to the bookseller.
The bookseller is a 1.6 character that you can buy or trade in books with. You'll get a notification if he's arrived!


There are more detailed maps for each region which will probably end up being wayyy too many printouts, but here they are if you're interested. I left out places that are unlocked later in the game, you'll know your way around once you get to opening those spots up. Have fun!

East of your Farm is the Bus Stop:

Further east of the Bus Stop is Pelican Town:

South of Pelican Town is the Beach:

North of Pelican Town is the Mountain:

Starting from your Farm again, south is Cindersap Forest (with a path to Pelican Town at the east):

North of your Farm is the Backwoods (which is a shortcut to the Mountain):
yo thats awesome!