Creator Response Pre-orders available to stop scalpers?


People are ruining the experience to try and get a game by buying them all and selling them for upwards of $300, a preorder system would be great to ensure someone can get a copy


I completely agree! I would love to be able to pre-order a copy, then I could stop obsessing about making sure I get one from the next printing.


Board Game Designer
Staff member
We're going to take this in account when we open up sales for the next batch. There are already order limits in place, but we may take others steps as well to make sure individuals get copies. Follow ConcernedApe on Twitter and also add yourself to the email list on the Shopify page so that we can keep you informed.
Sorry to necro a post - but a pre-order system may help with the second printing as well, since it would give you a better idea of what numbers would need be made.