Post-Marriage Quests


Hello! New to Stardew Valley. In quarantine, I decided to give it a run based on some recommendations and comparisons to Animal Crossing, and I have just become completely enthused by the game. The whole family has LAN nights where we play Co-Op. It's been a great diversion and we've had some great bonding time over the game.

I haven't seen a suggestion quite like this, so forgive me (as a new community member) if it's already been suggested.

My character has gotten married to Leah and gotten the heart event at 14 stars. But I almost feel like the marriage is holding the NPC almost prisoner. She isn't as active any longer with her sculpting; the storyline of her coming in her own as an artist seems to be irrelevant now; she seems to just hang around the house for the most part, and periodically leave to go on a walk. I'm actually kind of depressed about it (this shows what this game has done to me).

I got to thinking: what if a 14-star event actually kicked off a series of NPC-specific "Quests" that are only for your character? Ideally, those quests would fit along what the characters hopes, dreams, ambitions, etc. were "pre-marriage." It could be a "quests" format that you unlock at each heart, with an accompanying "heart" event; or it could even function as a bundle mechanics, where certain items and or money is required to help the spouse move along in their goals.

For instance:

Art Studio Expansion - bundles or quests required to fund Leah's art studio expansion; would result in a larger studio, with more materials. Requires certain resources (wood, stone, etc.)
Art Show in "the city" - Bundles or quests required to fund an art show in the city, requires [x] amount of raw materials, gold, etc. to fund the trip - kicks of cut-scene where you and Leah attend the premiere of an art show that is well-attended by city-folk
Art Studio / Shop - Bundles or quests required for Leah to get her own shop in Pelican Town; shop could become an actual shop for other players in Co-Op mode to purchase finished artwork from Leah to add to their own homes

These are just ideas that came to mind. I love the idea of say, if you wanted to move forward with these storylines, given the option, you could. Maybe they start as her suggesting it, and you say "Yes, that sounds great!" or - "No - I'd rather you stay at home with [the kids]" or "I need help on the farm."

I just don't want Leah's story to end!


Spouse story expansions are always a great idea. You're actually quite right about the spouses somehow becoming prisoners in marriage. I married Leah as well, and she barely leaves the house anymore. She only leaves once a week and that's just her staring at the river. I do appreciate that she still sculpts at the patio occasionally. It's just that she just lost a lot of her personality when she got married.

Your ideas for Leah are very creative and I can see those bringing more interest and incentive for people to get married in the game.


So, I do love this idea. I’m married to Elliot and he does go on a book tour, but I would love to expand his story line. He needs to write his sophomore novel after all. I wouldn’t even mind a “fight” about watching the kids. I would love to expand every NPC’s plot lines, though.

Magically Clueless

Staff member
i like this idea for expanding their stories! it'd take a LOT and personally i don't feel the prisoner thing, but i do like everything suggested here