please help! tile problem


hello! id like to note that i do have a heavily modded game and a lot of stuff off naver. this issue only occurred after a few mods were updated this week; and I've gone cave woman on my files trying to find the culprit.
here is my problem:
**sorry if the screenshots are a bit dark**

these are on top of furniture and window tiles in marnies house, muesuem, robin
[most window decor or rugs or teddies some plants]

here are my mods sorted by date changed, i noticed it happening with the "last week" changes.
my main culprit thoughts : ?
Lumisteria Tilesheets (when removed the items above these "blotches" are gone but the spots are not.
Rustic Country Town Interior (when removed changes nothing but idk just a shot out **i do have the modified unreleased version**


i hope this is enough information! this is my first post on here so i apologize if my formatting is off!
thank you to anyone who takes the time out of their day to help!!! thank you thank you