1.6 Update Please explain a certain festival element - Problem solved!

Desert Festival - Egg Rating: What exactly does it mean? I just don't get it.

Wiki says: Players also gain 1 "Egg Rating" for every 5 floors reached and every Calico Statue activated.
Now I suppose I should count the floors and the statues with each SC run to know my Egg Rating, but what does "also" mean? What else do I get Egg Ratings for?
When talking to Gil he asks if I want to submit "today's highest egg rating" - what does that mean?
There's a number beneath (say 16) that I can't change, I can only say "yes" or "no".

Maybe I'm dumb, or it's a language problem, but I just don't get what is meant by all this and how I can influence it?
Has been settled, I figured it out together with my daughter.

The misunderstanding was that I thought it is an estimation question and depending on how accurately I estimate my Egg Rating, I would either get a prize or not. But it's much simpler: Gil himself tells me the Egg Rating (floors + statues) I've achieved, and I can then "submit" it and get a prize. (I don't quite understand why I still have to submit it, but hey).

The "also" in the wiki just means that Gil's Egg Rating is another way to win something besides Marlon's Quest.