Solved Plea for Help! Main 100+ hr Android 1.5 single player game save will not load for PC. (troubleshhoting tried) [Windows]


Hi. I started playing within the last 2 months on Android. I now want to play my favourite save from Android on Windows PC, but cannot get it to load.
I have 3 game saves on the latest Android: 2 short saves with under 10 hours of play in each, and a save with over 100 hrs logged, into year 4.
The two short saves load completely fine on PC so I know I did the basic save and copy correctly.

My main game, that I have married on and have a baby, with about 109 hrs of game logged, into year 4, will not load. So. Sad.

I have tried:

Restarting computer (haha, yes I did turn it off and back on again)
Waiting a few days
Loading vanilla as administrator off steam, no mods at all -
and all of the above again after following the trouble shooting steps to lose a day of save (deleting the current and removing old from the file names of the remaining save)

I have checked and the last thing on the game save notepad file is the correct >/game saved/ text
I have tried using another saved games Save GameInfo file.

I have now done everything suggested in the troubleshooting guide (except for the transplant option because according to the instructions that was not the issue and at this point I don't have a verified 'working' save for my main game to transplant from), and I cannot load that save.

Can anyone help? Is it just too large a file? There are no error reports, It just says "loading..." for a few seconds on black screen as normal and then crashes back to the concerned ape opening credit as whole game prgram restarts.

(I am new to gaming as a hobby, but capable of following guides on my own so when I found out I could get mods for PC I started a new game with all the mods and cheats and have a couple of saves I have been trying out heaps of mods with. I find it is more comfortable playing on PC for me. I have set up Stardrop and had lots success trying out about 45 mods so far in various configurations, so not complete noob... but all I really want is to keep playing that long game save from android)


SMAPI error log

Thanks Ereo for directions to get that!


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@Stardudess Hi! There are two issues with your save:
  • On mobile, the mill chests have a <specialChestType>Mill</specialChestType> value which doesn't exist on other platforms.
  • You're missing the SaveGameInfo file.
I just added changes in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.9 so that all platforms can load mobile saves, and you'll be able to load a save even with a missing or broken SaveGameInfo.

In the meantime, here's a fixed version of your save file.

