Player's Birthday


I think it will be nice for players to experience their characters having a birthday. Like, they will be receiving gifts and greetings from the npcs that they became friends with. Additionally, inviting the npcs when it's the player's birthday, we rarely see the npc visit our farms so I think it will be nicer and the npcs will feel more friendlier when we build up our relationships with them.


There have been so many of these suggestions and there are quite a few mods for this but, yeah, I would like this
I think it would be nice if that was implemented into the base game, I would just feel bad receiving gifts from the townsfolk when I'm already wealthy enough to have everything I could ever need, and honestly, most of the gifts the player already receives are subpar and go straight to the sale bin anyway--unless you luck out and get the tea set at the Feast of the Winter Star of course! It would be cute to have your birthday on the calendar and to have your friends stop by to wish you well though. I do wish more NPCs could visit the farm throughout the game and this would be a good reason to make that happen.