Placing flooring outside barn where animal noramlly eat grass


Placing flooring outside barn where animal noramlly eat grass, does it affects the happniess?
Since pig still works even with flooring placed in the area. I wonder will it hurt to place flooring where animals normally roaming around.
It is abit annoying to clear out weeds and wood every next season.


I've found animals seem just as happy to eat grass placed in the barn as they do with the stuff outside. You have to replenish it occasionally, but it seems to last quite a while.
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It is abit annoying to clear out weeds and wood every next season.
Dear Wizard

I am pleased to place an order for one of your debris-suppressing Gold Clock installations, for immediate delivery.

I enclose ten million of the finest Ferngill Republic gold pieces in consideration of your expenses.

Best regards



I just reread the SDV Wiki about animals' moods increase more when they eat grass outside. I keep grass maintained indoors for winter and rainy days so at least they're fed, but that doesn't increase the mood as much as outside grass. One outside maintenance method is to keep plots of grass inside stones or wood walkways. Then it looks much neater and there's no need to scythe the contained areas.

edited to add the correct Wiki link (thank you Ereo).
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I just reread the SDV Wiki about animals' moods increase more when they eat grass outside. I keep grass maintained indoors for winter and rainy days so at least they're fed, but that doesn't increase the mood as much as outside grass. One outside maintenance method is to keep plots of grass inside stones or wood walkways. Then it looks much neater and there's no need to scythe the contained areas.

just fyi, the wiki you linked isn’t updated. It’s better to use

animals won’t eat grass that is growing indoors according to the wiki. Grass indoors is purely decorative and will neither spread nor be eaten.


just fyi, the wiki you linked isn’t updated. It’s better to use

animals won’t eat grass that is growing indoors according to the wiki. Grass indoors is purely decorative and will neither spread nor be eaten.
Ah, thanks so much @Ereo. Guess I hadn't updated my bookmark for the wiki, which I'll do now. If the animals aren't eating the indoors grass, then why does some of it disappear over time, albeit slowly? It must be my imagination and I can stop putting in the barn/coop. Wonder if it can be scythed in winter for more hay if needed ... hmm.
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I always put a few pieces of flooring in front of the barn & coop doors so thry can't be blocked by debris. My animals can still reach grass and aare always happy to just walk past the flooring in the morning. If you covered all the ground so no grass grows, then they'd be slightly less happy, but as long as you make sure they have hay and pet them every day, I think you'll be fine.