Issue Pixel not showing up


Hey! =) I am new to modding and creating one that adds strawberry recipes to the game. I wanted to practice adding new content, and one of my friends wanted more strawberry options. When I started testing it, I found that only two recipes I created would show their pixel in my inventory. The third is invisible. I am new to creating pixel art, so no judging! lol

Platform: Windows
Game version: 1.6

Created pixel art in aseprite
Saved as .png

Troubleshooting I have done:
  • SMAPI is not showing any error messages to go off of.
  • I have tried modifying the pixel by making the third pixel larger or smaller. (no change)
  • For giggles, I verified the files through Steam to see if I did something by accident. (no change)
  • I re-saved the .png file and changed the design of two. (no change)

I could upload the mod with two recipes and the two pixels that work, but I would run into this issue later. Plus, I want to create more recipes than just two, especially since the mod would be too bare, in my opinion.


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