Solved Pirate's Wife Quest - Kent reacts to memento as a hated gift [Windows]


Ok, when the update first came out with this new quest I played in through on my PC without any problems, and my son did as well. We often will use basic mods like "automate" "chests anywhere" and "bigger backpack", but nothing that alters the characters or our interactions with them. Now, not having changed anything and never having had a problem (having done this quest about 4 times now), I decided to create another farm and play through again. I got to winter of year 1 and made it to Ginger Island. I got the War Memento. I put it in a chest in the farm house. When spring of year 2 came and Kent arrived, I presented him with the War Memento. The reaction I received was "This... They gave this to me in Gotoro prison camp. I've been trying to forget about that. *shudder*"

I then installed the CBJ mod that allows you to spawn objects, so I spawned a new War Memento and got the same response. When that didn't work, I spawned the Tomato Salt to give to Gus, but he also responded with to it as a hated gift. Some people then suggested I needed to have more hearts with Kent, so I got myself to about 6 hearts with him and had the three heart event. I tried again, and the response was the same. People then said to try giving the War Memento to Kent outside the house. I tried both inside and outside, but the response did not change. Someone then posted the following to correct the problem, which I tried....

"Use chicken name glitch to respawn the item if it's lost (which was for me) by buying a chicken from Marnie (you need an open spot in a coop) and naming it "[864]" (no quotes). This will spawn the memento item in your inventory. You will need to sleep after this so the game registers and saves the item to your save log. You can also sell the chicken once you have the item.Once you have the item saved, the item is not considered a quest item since it didn't come from Birdie. What you need to do next is open the save file (should be named after your farm) (also create a COPY OF IT JUST IN CASE) and CTRL+F search for the name "War Memento".Once you find it, there will be a couple of parameters that need to be changed after:i. QuestItem: Need to make this say "true" instead of false (no quotes).ii. QuestID: Need to make this say "130" instead of 0 (no quotes).(should look like <questItem>true</questItem><questId>130 when done)iii. Save the file and make sure to avoid any other changes. Removing quest lines can cause the file to not load.Now load the file and find Kent. I actually got a cutscene of him in relation to the whole war thing when I went into his house at 9AM (not sure if this would have happened had I not done this, I assume this was scripted if you go in when him and Jodi are in the house) and then after that, Kent registered the item and the quest has seemingly proceeded to continue."

No difference. Kent continued to respond the same way and now I continuously have a War Memento in my inventory. I tried again both inside and outside the house, but it was the same response. The quest appears in my journal so, I assume it hasn't been "cancelled" as I have seen discussed in other threads. I am no coder and do not know much in relation to it, but I am going to cut and paste some of the code from my saved game file in the hopes that someone might be able to determine what is going on. Did I do something wrong or is this a bug? Any help or suggestions are certainly welcome.

<Quest><_currentObjective>Find a keepsake that belonged to Birdie's husband.</_currentObjective><_questDescription>An old lady living on Ginger Island is asking you to find a keepsake of her husband's. She gave you an old photograph of a soldier that washed up on shore, hoping it would help in some way.</_questDescription><_questTitle>The Pirate's Wife</_questTitle><rewardDescription>-1</rewardDescription><accepted>false</accepted><completed>false</completed><dailyQuest>false</dailyQuest><showNew>false</showNew><canBeCancelled>false</canBeCancelled><destroy>false</destroy><id>130</id><moneyReward>0</moneyReward><questType>1</questType><daysLeft>0</daysLeft><dayQuestAccepted>-1</dayQuestAccepted><nextQuests><int>-1</int></nextQuests><questTitle>The Pirate's Wife<


If ever you're still stuck on this, my advice would be look for the orginal War Momento given by the NPC. Using the spawned item from the CJB Item Spawner doesn't really trigger the item exchange. Probably need to do something with the source code for the tagging of the spawned item, if ever.


Fixed in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.9, which...
  • ensures that NPCs always treat those items as part of the quest (so they'll never treat it as a regular gift);
  • will give you a new War Memento when loading the save, if you have the quest active but don't have any of the required items.
Thanks for reporting it!