Solved Pierre's prime produce


Okay, I know it's not that big of a deal, but I had an issue when trying to do the Pierre's Prime Produce quest. I filled the box with 25 gold veggies I already had and then tried to grow 25 gold to meet both sides of the quest. I didn't grow all 25 and failed the quest, but I couldn't get the 25 I already turned in back. Is there anyway to get them back, because I'd like to use the for the community center or sell them?


Local Legend
Lewis's house has a Lost 'n' Found. Check there.

Also, protip: Always go for special orders on Mondays. Sadly, the first of every growing season is on a monday, so you are busy, I know. Still, when you go to buy your seeds, hit up the special order board first on the first of the season. See if you're getting this order, and then plan for it right from the beginning. If offered the quest later in the season than the 1st, I don't take it.