Windows Penny 14 Heart Event Deleted Mannequin Clothes


So I just reached Penny's 14-heart redecorating event. I had five mannequins in this room, with four dressed in specific clothes (one with my living Hat I spent hours farming for).

Upon unpacking the chest with all of my old decorations, when I take the mannequins out, the clothes aren't on them. And checking the only chest I keep my clothes in, they're not there (living Hat isn't hard to miss). I even checked the chest she placed in the room, and it's completely empty.

I even went ahead and tried to go back a day (I'm on PC) and unfortunately, anytime I enter the house, the same event triggers.

I honestly don't know what to do. I can NOT farm for that living hat again. 😭 & Coincidentally, I just changed from wearing it to putting it on the mannequin, literally only a few days earlier. Ugh. So frustrated.

Missing Clothes:

Living Hat
Wumbus Shirt
Dinosaur Pants

Prismatic Turban
Prismatic Shirt (where only the middle changes color)
Prismatic Pants

Mouse Ears
Mouse Shirt
Gray Shorts

(An outfit Emily put together)

Cat Ears
Heart Shirt
Pink Dress

Thankfully, I had an issue that occured roughly a month ago where I needed to copy my save file, so I'm able to go back further in time... Only thing that sucks is to do so, is it's over a year behind (literally married and divorced five people within this time). That's a lot of work that gets erased, but it's better than having to hunt for the living hat again (that was over 15 hours of grinding Green Rain for just that).

Too, I'm working to collect EVERYTHING, which means every shirt I received in the last year, I gotta work to figure out what those were and get again. So this isn't a great solution. If anyone has anything better, please share.
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So I resolved this issue myself, however, the bug remains. It's quite a niche instance, but in case it happens to anyone ever again, imma share how I did it.

So about a month earlier, I had trouble with my save (had to unplug my computer unexpectedly, and doing so apparently erased my Save Game Info data). Upon some research, I found ConcernedApes troubleshooting guide for this - which involves a bit of recoding to fix.

Applying what I learned here + making a dupe of that old save file in case something went awry back then, I now at least had one save unaffected (as even my day earlier game data had been affected). Being a year behind my current game though, I obviously didn't wanna use that and undo a month's worth of work IRL.

So I took the code from that game for every clothing item that disappeared, and recoded it to fit in as inventory vs on a mannequin (as those items were all still on said mannequin minus the living hat outfit, which I was wearing). Each clothing item obviously has very specific numbers associated with it, and depending on if you're wearing it / storing it / showcasing it, will change too.

Mind you, I'm not a coder, so this took me a good second to figure out lol. So after an entire day of troubleshooting, I finally got it to work. And in case anyone ever needs that specific type of code again (including myself), and you don't wanna go thru all the trouble of finding it, I have it saved on my laptop. There are only a few shirts I'm missing, so I should be able to find most any clothing item to recode, as well.

Hopefully no one else experiences this bug quite as bad, at least *(nothing more frightening than losing the Living Hat overnight)*, but in case they do, just know there's a solution!

(& FWIW, I checked the code on the game where these clothing items disappeared from, and the code for those specific items essentially becomes erased the day Penny redecorates, so DEFINITELY a bug, 1000%)