Passively making money vs. all in one go


I don't know how everyone else feels about this, but i definitely prefer making smaller amounts of money every day to large amounts of money all at once. When I do big harvests of crops, sure i get a lot of money all at once, but then I have to make tough choices regarding where I want that money to go, because it will be awhile before the next harvest. Focusing on passive income, like my animal products and artisan goods, makes me feel better about purchasing items knowing I have constant income coming in, even if it's not as much.

Lew Zealand

I don't know how everyone else feels about this, but i definitely prefer making smaller amounts of money every day to large amounts of money all at once. When I do big harvests of crops, sure i get a lot of money all at once, but then I have to make tough choices regarding where I want that money to go, because it will be awhile before the next harvest. Focusing on passive income, like my animal products and artisan goods, makes me feel better about purchasing items knowing I have constant income coming in, even if it's not as much.
Sometimes it all depends on what you need the money for right then. I tend to process most things like Crops and animal products as they gain more value and therefore buying power, but if I want to get something started like Robin building a Fish Pond or a House upgrade, I'll scrape anything together I can and sell immediately to get the amount necessary.

However in normal play I don't bunch up sales at all. The closest I get to single big sales days are when a lot of Preserves Jars, Kegs, and especially Casks finish as I usually keep those synced for time savings. That's when the shopping spree starts!


You can always buy stuff later, since nothing ever stops being sold. And, well, it's pretty easy to make money in this game. I don't stress over decisions because nothing is ever wrong.

I also tend to not have giant bulk harvests, but that's because I get bored with planting that much all at once.


Local Legend
It depends on the goal really. If you're trying to make as much cash and be as efficient as possible then you're better off selling what you need when you need, and that usually entails selling as soon as you gather/collect stuff, so long as you're directly reinvesting that money.

If you're really late game, are saving up for a big purchase and need nothing in the meantime, or are making money for making money's sake like a maniac (me), then save up that purchase. It can save time only having to see the sell screen and put stuff in the shipping bin once and big number = happy FilthyGorilla.


You can always buy stuff later, since nothing ever stops being sold. And, well, it's pretty easy to make money in this game. I don't stress over decisions because nothing is ever wrong.

I also tend to not have giant bulk harvests, but that's because I get bored with planting that much all at once.
I don't belive I mentioned this, but slowly accumulating money over time is straight up more relaxing to me. Like on a psychological level, it feels more chill, I feel more fufilled, and spending desisions feel a lot less stressful. When I do large batch crops, somehow it feels more frantic and fast paced, which bleeds over into other areas of the game, thus contributing to making spending more stressful. Our brains work the way they work, i guess. It is one of the many reasons i quit big batch farming( as well as the time it takes and the reasons listed above).


You can combine the best of both worlds. Changing prefession at sewer statue, you can get a bonus to selling raw animal products. I have amassed so many, due to having other priorities, that processing them was impossible, even with an entire big shed filled to the brim with artisanal machinery and all of them, having hoppers slapped on!

Now that i sold them all in one go, i returned to artisan and i started processing slowly, daily, again.

Late game, it is completely impossible to do all small tasks. Because you own too many machinery, resources and obviously, to-do-lists! You NEED big money in one go, with as less effort involved as possible (like my Dehydrator planning for instance, as of late)!


You can combine the best of both worlds. Changing prefession at sewer statue, you can get a bonus to selling raw animal products. I have amassed so many, due to having other priorities, that processing them was impossible, even with an entire big shed filled to the brim with artisanal machinery and all of them, having hoppers slapped on!

Now that i sold them all in one go, i returned to artisan and i started processing slowly, daily, again.

Late game, it is completely impossible to do all small tasks. Because you own too many machinery, resources and obviously, to-do-lists! You NEED big money in one go, with as less effort involved as possible (like my Dehydrator planning for instance, as of late)!
Thats a really good idea! I feel like my strategy/feelings towards this will definitely change as I progress through the game. Right now, im still in early game(just started winter year 1) so im nowhere near the point where any of this is close to feasible. As someone who loves optimization/supply chain type games though, i am really exited to (eventually) reach the point where I can do large scale production of artisan goods!


Local Legend
Thats a really good idea! I feel like my strategy/feelings towards this will definitely change as I progress through the game. Right now, im still in early game(just started winter year 1) so im nowhere near the point where any of this is close to feasible. As someone who loves optimization/supply chain type games though, i am really exited to (eventually) reach the point where I can do large scale production of artisan goods!
It's really fun to see your infrastructure start to snowball and money just explode, especially the first time around, good luck with it!


It's really fun to see your infrastructure start to snowball and money just explode, especially the first time around, good luck with it!
I usually hit a point where I am wondering where all this money is coming from every night, before remembering that I hatched out a bunch of chickens and bought a lot of cows. Daily animal produce is the quiet moneymaker in all my saves.


I don't know how everyone else feels about this, but i definitely prefer making smaller amounts of money every day to large amounts of money all at once. When I do big harvests of crops, sure i get a lot of money all at once, but then I have to make tough choices regarding where I want that money to go, because it will be awhile before the next harvest. Focusing on passive income, like my animal products and artisan goods, makes me feel better about purchasing items knowing I have constant income coming in, even if it's not as much.
Yes I understand. And many here do too. However there a plenty of maximizers here and elsewhere on internet that will destroy you for being the lesser path chosen, especially elsewhere. We have a smaller handful of great ultra maximizers here (who put Joja profit counts to shame lol) but really support our paths too. It’s all about you and what you want from the game. You can make literally no money and just talk to people all day. You can forage and find enough food and profits from pricier forage to sustain yourself enough in the lower mines at least and start making money there, buy some salad at the saloon and working your way down and eventually to bottom where you can make more.

I don’t grow a thing. It’s my least favorite part of the game. I talk to people, mine, forage, fish some, I hate being isolated on my farm all day. I do like animals but don’t own loads of them. Enough to make some cash but not take all day to attend to. Pigs are nice once you can afford them. Wait until evening pick up the truffles and if your botanist by forage level 10 you can make as much as processing them as oil. You can pick up every 2-3 days too as long as it’s all picked up by Saturday night. In 1.6 I tend to set up a mini animal rescue theme now too.


For me it really depends on the day. I'm fairly new to the game, I'm on my third save and I only reached early year 2 with all of them, and at the very beginning I would be afraid to mess up and looked up on youtube what to do and it turned out very fast paced and I got anxious and it nearly ruined the game for me. Now I just go with the flow, sometimes I'm energetic and want to get things done so I'll do a lot, other days I'll just walk around and talk to townies. One thing I found that clicked with me is roleplay, sounds silly but, staying in character while playing is really fun.


Local Legend
Yes I understand. And many here do too. However there a plenty of maximizers here and elsewhere on internet that will destroy you for being the lesser path chosen, especially elsewhere. We have a smaller handful of great ultra maximizers here (who put Joja profit counts to shame lol) but really support our paths too. It’s all about you and what you want from the game. You can make literally no money and just talk to people all day. You can forage and find enough food and profits from pricier forage to sustain yourself enough in the lower mines at least and start making money there, buy some salad at the saloon and working your way down and eventually to bottom where you can make more.

I don’t grow a thing. It’s my least favorite part of the game. I talk to people, mine, forage, fish some, I hate being isolated on my farm all day. I do like animals but don’t own loads of them. Enough to make some cash but not take all day to attend to. Pigs are nice once you can afford them. Wait until evening pick up the truffles and if your botanist by forage level 10 you can make as much as processing them as oil. You can pick up every 2-3 days too as long as it’s all picked up by Saturday night. In 1.6 I tend to set up a mini animal rescue theme now too.
Yeah I always find it a given that one should respect others ways of playing the game, it's their game to play and so much fun to see diversity of playstyle, what fun is it if everyone's doing the same thing anyway?