Windows Not able to make the menus work with controller (PC)


Is there any way to play on pc with controllers without having to use the mouse arrow pointer?

I have configured my steam controller and can play quite well since I have mapped a button to put the cursor in the top left corner, but when I am in the inventory I still need to use the cursor (by using the controller touchpad) to choose items.
I have never played Stardew Valley on console, but I assume the menus support controller input on the consoles. I have spent the last two evenings looking online for a solution and trying out on how to do this but was not successful.
Since I have not much time to play and spend the time for trying out, I thought I should ask here if anyone knows a way.

Can you please help me here finding a way or tell me what I am missing?
As the game runs on consoles as well, I cannot believe there is no way this works - also since the dev has so much time for all the additional content and fixes.

edit: During the search I have also found a post by Concerned Ape himself, stating that we should enable steam input in the steam controller settings and use the default (recommended) configuration, but that sadly did not work - I could not even move the character anymore, so I guess that one is outdated.
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