Normal mines glitch


If you head to the normal mines with a chair in hand and go to the normally out of order minecart, the glitch your self over and follow the rail and go out of bounds you can go past the background.
Does anyone have any ideas for this
I've heard that you can use a chair at the minecart to glitch over and access the quarry mine before it's unlocked (and thus gain the golden scyth). It sounds similar to the chair glich used at the log initially blocking off the secret woods. However, I haven't played with any out of bounds glitches myself, so I can't say exactly how that works.


Local Legend
You can do the same with any swinging weapon, slowly advancing yourself over the boundaries of entrances of maps to get outside the map basically everywhere.

Isn't super useful but you can use it to get into the mines day one or get to the quarry early

Your specific case isn't particularly useful though, could get to the quarry early though, grind away at the enemies for a decent sword or just get your scythe