No more Hats on pets and no hearts above head consistently when petted.


I’m on mobile iOS once again due to my inability to use a mouse. At some point along this 1.6 update advanced numbers I am no longer able to put hats or hairbows on my pets. I know the turtles never took them but the others did and now they won’t. Also half the time it regisiters I pet a pet or farm animal without cute heart. Not really a big deal in there scheme of things but the pets were adorbs in their bows and it’s heart to tell who’s been petted without constantly looking at my tab. Anyone else with these problems?


Have you tried switching to joystick and buttons controls? I had some issues getting it to work with tap to move, but buttons work.


Have you tried switching to joystick and buttons controls? I had some issues getting it to work with tap to move, but buttons work.
Oh is that it? I can’t use joystick regularly. But long enough to get hats on. I guess I’ll jutst have to live with checking tabs. I’m glad to know why it’s doing it though. Tapping used to work better. They take that away, I might not be able to play at all. Pushing buttons hurts my hands, not to mention I can’t feel if I’m pushing them and hit the wrong ones all the time but hurts to keep correcting so if I use say my phone instead of my iPad with the pencil then my words are a jumbled mess, the pencil does the work of pressing hard for me. I can’t write well with the pencil, only tap. Even that strains me with repeated use. 🫤


The virtual buttons should work, it does not need to be a physical joystick.
you might need to click “adjust joypad controls” to get them to show correctly. See attached pictures if you haven’t used them before.

I don’t think they are taking away the tap to move on purpose, it’s just that it survives doesn’t work as precisely as a button.

