Windows No Add Invite Code Option On The Windows Version of Stardew Valley Game Pass


When I try to play Stardew Valley from the game pass on the xbox app it gives me no option to put in a code and play multiplayer with my friends. I tried looking up all the solutions like enabling the game in firewall, disabling firewall, having steam open up in the background, changing xbox privacy settings from on to off to on again, resetting my the game multiple times, resetting my computer multiple times, running app in administrator, using smapi, uninstalling and reinstalling, and I been at this for a couple days now since I got the game from game pass and no fix. I have a friend that also has it on the xbox app and he has the option to put in a invite code and his works fine and the only difference between our games is he bought it on the xbox app while I got it from gamepass on the xbox app and get it for free but idk why that would make a difference or why they'd force you to play offline just bc you're using it from gamepass but if that is the reason let me know. Idk how to fix this, so someone pls help.


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Myself and my friends are having this issue as well. looking at other posts on the forum, it seems like this has been a problem for a couple weeks now. Hopefully it is fixed soon!!


I have a fix?! I got tired of this and bought it on Steam. it worked. then i opened up my Gamepass version, and it also had the enter invite code option.
Steam allows you to return games within 14 days if youve played less than 2 hours... so you may be able to buy then get your refund if it fixes it. no word if the fix continues... i may just keep playing on steam
