New here!


Long time player, first time poster!

I've been wanting to make more friends that share my interests and making an account here to annoy befriend all of you seemed like a logical next step :D

In addition to spending way too much time playing Stardew Valley on an endless array of devices, I also enjoy reading, writing, and the odd anime or two. I just want more people to chat with and working the graveyard shift has proven to make it difficult to be online as the same time as my usual people, so I decided I would seek out new people.

My next Stardew goal is to finally figure out how modding on the PC version works so I can slide into the rabbit hole of infinitely reconfiguring my experience lol.

Stop by, say hi, and let's chat!


Local Legend
I rarely interact with introductions threads... but this one I had to. You're using what looks very similar to my old avatar, the 8-bit version of my current avatar. I cry imposter! :wink: