New flowers to grow, sell and give away: water lilies


How would you like to grow water lilies on our farms? Water lilies would be collected in any river, lake or swamp, in all seasons except winter and would be grown in Fish Ponds.

How to collect water lilies? Some water lilies would appear on the banks and could be collected "by hand", some would appear further away and you would have to use the fishing rod, aiming at the square occupied by the water lily.

How to grow water lilies? Water lilies are grown in Fish Ponds (no Population Quets required) up to a maximum of ≈ 10 and generate other water lilies to collect throughout the year except in winter. Only one type of water lily in each Fish Pond. Can water lilies and fish coexist in the same Fish Pond? Yes, only if they come from the same habitat. Fish and water lilies compete for space in Fish Ponds, so the maximum number of both is reduced if they are present together.

What to do with water lilies? Water lilies can be sold for a high price or given to villagers. They would be gifts that everyone would like to receive, except for the "Radioactive Fluorescent Water Lily" from the sewers and the "Desert Thorny Water Lily".

Do you like water lilies? What other suggestions do you have about water lilies?
