New Craftable Recipes Not Working


I noticed in my game when I went to purchase the new craftable recipes like the dehydrator and big chest, that all of them are showing up as a torch recipe. I did buy one just to see what would happen, but I got nothing. I’m not sure what could be the problem here. Is anyone else having this issue?


Here is my log, if someone could tell me why my big chest, dehydrator, etc. All of them crafting recipes can be bought from the store but they do not give me the recipe and instead shows a torch recipe. I tried looking at all the mods to figure out which one was doing it like Gwens craftables, but it did not work .



Possibly Tidy Crafting? Also, if anything you installed went into the Content folder and not the Mods folder, you'll need to reset your content files by getting Steam to validate your game files