New Buildings


So from my first post, y'all should know how far I am if you've seen it, if not go ahead and check it out. You don't been have to read the whole thing, just the beginning. I also forgot to mention in that one that I play the switch as well. Anyway I had some more ideas for the game that I think would be cool if they could be added at some point.
So with Pam, she says she's like to be healthier whether that's eating, fitness, or both. What if there was more Junimos or they came back and there could be another building to be added/turned into a fitness center?
Or for Alex where he likes football, and Shane with Gridball, we could get a sports complex so characters or players of the game could go do some more fun things within the game as well?
Or you could even do a combo of the two, a fitness/Sports center together so that way characters or players can choose what they'd like to do there and we don't have to have two separate buildings of each just to make it easier.
Also, I know Leah made some art pieces with her skills and showed those off, Robin likes to do similar things as well, so what if there was an Art gallery too? They could place the things they make in it along with other characters creations if they're crafty and want to show them off as well so players or characters can see them. You could have a plaque added near those creations as well that explains who made them, when, how, why, and what they call that art piece. Even give the option to buy them for the players as well.
Thanks for taking the time to read my ideas for the game 😁