Coding Help Need help with Custom NPC schedule.


I need help with my custom NPC. The NPC wont move from its starting location. I have linked the schedule in content.json but it still doesn't work. Here is the code.

"Changes": [
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "data/NPCDispositions",
"Entries": {
"Hina": "adult/polite/outgoing/positive/female/datable/null/Town/fall 3/ PregnancyRole make/BusStop 24 11/Hina"

"summer": "600 BusStop 32 12 2/800 SeedShop 20 22 3/830 ManorHouse 44 39 2/1200 Beach 75 11 2/1500 HaleyHouse 13 36 1/1830 Town 35 35 2/2000 BusStop 32 12 0",
"fall": "600 BusStop 32 12 1/830 ManorHouse 44 39 0/1200 ArchaeologyHouse 22 23 1/1430 LeahHouse 95 35 3/1800 Town 35 35 3/2000 BusStop 32 12 2",
"winter": "600 BusStop 32 12 1/830 ManorHouse 44 39 0/1200 Saloon 40 24 1/1530 ArchaeologyHouse 95 35 3/1800 LeahHouse 95 35 3/2000 BusStop 32 12 2",
"spring": "600 BusStop 24 11 2/620 BusStop 24 23 2/640 BusStop 42 23 1/650 Town 0 54 1/720 Town 26 54 2/730 Town 48 59 2/740 Town 54 85 2/750 Town 58 86 0/800 ManorHouse 4 8 3/1200 Town 58 86 2/1210 Town 54 82 0/1220 Town 45 71 0/1230 Saloon 12 20 0/1400 Town 45 71 2/1410 Town 55 86 2/1410 Town 55 95 1/1420 Town 79 95 1/1420 Town 101 90 0/1430 ArchaeologyHouse 21 17 0/1700 Town 101 90 2/1710 Town 78 94 3/1720 Town 46 96 3/1730 Town 40 91 3/1730 Town 0 91 3/1740 Forest 118 25 3/1740 Forest 91 25 2/1750 Forest 91 40 2/1910 Forest 91 25 1/1910 Forest 117 25 1/1920 Town 1 90 1/1920 Town 29 90 0/1930 Town 29 75 0/1930 Town 26 55 3/1940 Town 0 55 3/1950 BusStop 42 23 3/2000 BusStop 24 21 0/2010 BusStop 24 11 0"

"Format": "1.21.0",
"Changes": [
"LogName": "NPC Manifestation",
"Action": "Include",
"FromFile": "assets/disposition/Disposition.json"
"LogName": "NPC Gift Tastes",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/NPCGiftTastes",
"Entries": {
"Hina": "Oh wow this is amazing! Thank you!/221 64 206 233/How nice of you, this is great./109 126 127 227 395 595 591/Oh.. well it's the though that counts I guess./768 769 767 766 168/Gross... You're Gross.../799 729 561 -20/Thanks/-2 -6 -5 -81 305 "
"LogName": "NPC Sprite",
"Action": "Load",
"Target": "Characters/Hina",
"FromFile": "assets/img/spritesheet.png"
"LogName": "NPC Portrait",
"Action": "Load",
"Target": "Portraits/Hina",
"FromFile": "assets/img/portrait.png"
"LogName": "Schedule",
"Action": "Load",
"Target": "Characters/schedules/Hina",
"FromFile": "assets/schedules/schedule.json"
"LogName": "Dialogue",
"Action": "Load",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/Hina",
"FromFile": "assets/dialogue/Dialogue.json"
"LogName": "Animation Frames",
"Action": "Include",
"FromFile": "assets/anim/Animations.json"
"LogName": "Schedule Dialogue",
"Action": "Load",
"Target": "Strings/schedules/Hina",
"FromFile": "assets/schedules/scheduleDialogue.json"
"LogName": "Marriage Dialogue",
"Action": "Load",
"Target": "Characters/Dialogue/MarriageDialogueHina",
"FromFile": "assets/dialogue/MarriageDialogue.json"
"LogName": "Engagement Dialogue",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/EngagementDialogue",
"Entries": {
"Hina0": "I am so happy!$1",
"Hina1": "I'm so nervous for tomorrow.$4"


You missed some code in schedule. Did you un pack the schedule file by StardewXNBHaker? Try Exnb node, I found there is more code unpacked by Exnb node for same schedeld file

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Okay, If I use the Content Patcher, do I still need the XNB tool? I checked other mods like Shiko and used it as reference. It didn't require the codes you mentioned.