My Suggestion - Metal Detecting!


Hi :)

Okay so this idea is quite loosely structured in my mind right now but I think with a little more thought and structure it would be a great addition to the game! Any suggestions, additions, or criticisms for this are much welcomed!

Quick Summary
Metal detecting would add yet another fun, yet profitable activity for Stardew Valley players. In short, each walkable tile has a percentage of having an item, artifact, trash, or nothing buried underneath it. I can see metal detecting as being a great incentive for players to explore the map more and I can also see it being extended to the mines as well.

How It Would Work
With the metal detector in hand, click on a tile. There will be 2 types of distinct beeps (and also maybe a little light on the detector for colour indication for hearing-impaired players):
-A higher pitched beep to indicate there is something buried (the light on the detector turns green)
-A lower pitched beep to indicate there is nothing to dig up (the light on the detector turns red)

If the player finds a spot with a buried item, they can dig it up using their hoe or pickaxe!

Another possible way metal detecting could work is a distance-based algorithm based on how far away the player is from a tile with an item. I assume this implementation would be harder to program and may impose some processing issues for on-the-fly calculation while the player is moving. This implementation would also need to the involve the use of more continuous beeps and colours to better indicate closeness to a tile with a buried item.

(And yes I presume metal detecting would be influenced by daily luck too!)

Metal Detector Types
Like many tools, I think there should be different grades of metal detectors available for purchase (I think The Museum or Blacksmith would be a perfect place to buy them). A higher grade of metal detector allows for better items to be found.

-An old rusty detector should be available for purchase for cheap from either Gunther or Clint (I still cannot decide which place would be better but I'm leaning towards The Museum) near the start of the game.
-I'm no expert on different types of metal detectors but I think there could reasonably 2-3 additional grades available for purchase after buying the old rusty detector.

Presumably wilderness locations would be great places to metal detect as well as tiles adjacent to water such as the beach, lake shores, riverbeds, etc.
I think the desert would also be a great place to metal detect too!
As previously mentioned, I think metal detecting would also work great in the mines!
Maybe similar to fishing, there could be greater chances of finding different items when detecting at different locations!

Additional Thoughts
If metal detecting were to be added I would suggest the inclusion of some new items and artifacts that can only be found through metal detecting (to encourage players to try it out).
Additionally, if new items were added for metal detecting I can also see the inclusion of a new "Metal Detecting Bundle" available for completion at the Community Center!

I think that's everything I've thought up for metal detecting so far! I'd love to hear your opinions, additions, or criticisms on this idea!

Thanks for reading and happy farming!



So the first thing I'm wondering is how this would work alongside the already in-game worm spots. While I see the appeal in treasure hunting (I could see a treasure hunter farm being interesting to do) if all you're getting is more of the same then I don't think it would really go well. You do mention new items being created that you could only get through metal detecting which is good! This kinda idea would need that I think. But at the same time, it would kinda need a lot of variety for it to feel worth wild.

This next bit is more of a personal taste kinda thing. First off the method for how you would search for treasure seems really slow. Now if what you were finding was always something super good I could see it but if I spent quite a bit of time combing the map and only found some clay and a rooster statue, I feel like my time would have been wasted. Also with how long it would appear (to me) to take, you wouldn't ever be really combing maps, only getting a few areas searched. That kinda feels like it could conflict with wanting to promote exploring. And perhaps what I find the least appealing about this idea: the beeping (though once again, personal taste because I can't stand continuous beeps even if I'm the one causing them, though if the option to turn the beeping off was there and just relie on the light then I could see it being better for me). But despite these criticisms, I will say that how you describe how it would work is a lot like it is in real life and I can't say that it would be a bad way to do it at all! Though if I were to do it I would most likely have it to where the metal detector could be held and when you ran over a spot where the treasure was it would beep to let you know it was there. That way you could explore at a faster pace. But depending on how you would balance the treasure, that might be too fast-paced for the rewards you're getting.

I do think getting it from the museum is a good idea though! maybe after you bring in a certain amount of worm spot artifacts Gunther would give you your first one and as you fill out more of the museum you would get the option to upgrade?

I also like the thought of locations having different things altogether, though the mines are kinda iffy since monsters will be attacking but I guess risk vs reward there?

I'm not on board with the community center bundle idea. While I can see how you could make the individual bundles by going to different areas, the question of "what does the player get?" comes to mind. Like when they complete one part of the bundle what is it do they receive and once they complete the whole thing what do the juminos fix? Metal defecting also seems more like a side job like panning rather than a main focal point of the game like farming and ranching?