My first year in Pelican Town


My first year started off slowly, but ended eventfully.

Starting off new to town, I didn't know anyone, but by the end of fall I was married, by the new year, a nursery is being built.

I fell for Penny, she is just such a sweet girl and peak wife material. She has issues to deal with, a father that left her and her mother, her mother is a functioning alcoholic, and they live in a trailer, yet she is sweet and kind, a genuine good person. She teaches kids, likes to read, wanted a house and a family, and is nice to everyone, even old man George, like seen in the first heart scene. That is the kind of woman I, as a man, would want to marry in real life as well, no drama.

I grew crops and foraged to make money, I held off the 24 space backpack upgrade until much later on, and went for the kitchen house expansion first, then I did eventually get the 24 space backpack later on.

I was worried about what would happen when winter came, but it turned out winter was my most lucrative season of all, some days I made 2,000gp and sometimes even 3,000gp (though most were around 1,400-1,750) simply by foraging, though I learnt about using the ho on the beach to dig up winter yams and the other other things.

Penny accepted marriage on Fall 21, and we were married on Fall 24.

When I had 70,000gp stored up near the end of Winter, I went to Robin, to get the nursery expansion, but she needed 100 hard wood, which sent me on a long process of going into the mines, getting copper ores, upgrading my axe to copper, then buying iron ore from clint to smelt into bars to upgrade too steel. I fought the slime in the secret woods north of the wizard tower, and chopped the stumps until I got the 100 hardwood. Now it is Spring 2 of year two, and Robin is hard at work building the nursery, my Penny's dream is about to come true.

So far, I am having fun in this game, it is very addicting too, I often find myself saying "just one more day", and then again, and again, lol.