My experience with Junimo Kart


(Sorry if this sounds weird, I will use google translator)

Perhaps everyone who has played Junimo Kart will know how annoyingly unfair this game is. Today I didn't rest until I passed it, and finally I did it. After a few hours of great anger, I finally made it. I know there is no special achievement for doing it, but it was a challenge of its own. Anyway, I want to comment a few things about this minigame.

Many people complained about how difficult and unfair the game is. And it is. It is not impossible, but it is very unfair and miscalibrated. Although, in favor I can say that it really makes it feel like an old arcade game, since they were like this: Demon's difficulty and unfair many times. The good thing is that nobody forces you to pass it, for no special achievement.

What kind of injustices do you have? Well ... I noticed that the scenarios are generated automatically, the same with the obstacles and collectibles, and checkpoints. Sometimes the checkpoints are ridiculously close to each other, I even counted 4 in a row where there was no way to die, and other times checkpoints that are KILOMETERS between them. In fact, more than once, on the first level I had more separate checkpoints than on the final level.

On the obstacles, the barriers, which are at all levels, are not so bad, they are easy to break and they rarely hindered me, although there were times that they stayed in front of me right at the only point where I could fall on a rail and made me die.
The falling rocks were a little more annoying, and unfair when they fall on rails that are too high, as there is no way to know their timing.

There is one thing I never understood, and it was the shortcuts on the map. I tried to figure out if it depended on "luck", breaking all the barriers, doing a perfect run, not breaking the barriers, collecting all the fruits ... but no, it does not depend on any of this, I think it is an element entirely random. This would not be so bad, if it were not for one of the deviations is to face what is, in my opinion, the WORST level of the game: the Whale Boss.
God ... first of all, it's the only level where you have a mechanic of falling slower for being underwater. And you have to go forward while the damn whale throws bubbles at you, MANY bubbles, that if you touch them in front or below they kill you, that they move in circles, and if by miracle you are not killed, you may not fall on the road you want, which in itself is a bit difficult, since the bubbles make you bounce. I always tried to save lives, which is complicated since the game only saves you extra lives if they are more than 3, and I lost them all in this damn level. I preferred the Slime a thousand times.
The Slime boss is a fair "boss". More or less. The difficulty is that if you fall on the roads with slime, it makes you closer to it, and if it gets too close, it crushes you. The bad thing is that most of the time you must step on them if or if, so it is very likely that you will die anyway at this level. And most likely, you will not recover that life, since in this level there are high platforms to give drama to the level, and that the Slime gets there while jumping. The bad thing is that the game takes it as a path, and many times, coins appear, and the worst, FRUITS on those unreachable platforms. The only way to reach them would be if you are lucky to have a chekpoint appear there, to reappear there once you die. But you would still lose a life by picking the fruit.

The "ship" level is the first level where you increase speed in the game. It is quite relaxed if you already have experience playing. Except for those ghost lights. Many times they appear right at the beginning of platforms that you barely get to with a high jump, so you die unfairly. I also had problems with the high ground lanes, since many times they visually confused me, making me think that I could pass "behind" the lanes and that it was not necessary to jump, but it is more a mistake due to the habit of other games.
The next thing in the game was to pray that Junimo would go down the path ... but he almost always went to the damn mushroom level. For me, the second most unfair level in the game. It has a lot of new mechanics that you have very little time to practice: The mushrooms that go up and down, the pink mushrooms that shoot, and the damn mushrooms on platforms of 1 to bounce. And the worst thing is the checkpoints. They are KILOMETERS between them. Chances are you'll have to get around minimal platforms for more than half the level, and if you die, PUM, back to the start. And as I said, all mushroom features are new, and are an addition to the difficulty that you already have at that point. It's a hell. And the timing of the pink mushrooms is horrible.
He always asked heaven for Junimo to go down to the lava level. I think it is the best level of the game. Yes, it is difficult as hell, but it is the fairest level.
(Or FIREST level haha ... ok sorry). The only element that could be unfair is rocks due to poor timing, but it is unlikely. The level has only one way, and if you lose it will only be for skill, which is also necessary for the last level, so it is a good way to practice. If you die a lot at this level, you're probably not ready for the end anyway.
The last level earns its name. Luckily, there are no unfair elements, or rare elements that you need to acclimatise to for the first time. It is pure experience and skill, as a final level should be. That is, it is HARD AF, but it is possible, and if you die it is your own fault, and not by other elements that are put on your face and that were impossible to avoid (except if you have the bad luck of a poorly placed barrier). If you want advice for this level, I can give you two: First, as tempting as it may be, don't go too high to jump and avoid avoiding many platforms, they will leave you exposed to your luck of falling safely. Just do it when you see a clean and safe path to land on. And second and most important, don't jump on all tracks. Jumping one by one is impossible, try to jump more than one if they are close together. It is a confusing level, there are many routes and one does not know in which to fall, but focus on the one that gives you the most security, make your own route.

In short, yes, it is a difficult game, but it is difficult like the old arcade games. Its biggest flaw is injustice, although it's also an aspect of old games, so I really wouldn't judge it that much. If he only lost due to injustice, it is still possible to pass it with skill. It does not depend entirely on luck, the skill plays a lot in favor. The only thing I would judge is the level of the Slime Boss, the fruits on the unreachable platforms is an unfair element that goes beyond the limits, and the damn level of the whale, the bubbles should not kill you, it is enough the fact that they can make you bounce and make you not fall where you want.

By the way, I read out there that someone said that the luck of the day, and making you raise your luck by eating a dish is FALSE. It was a day that I would be lucky, I was lucky +2, and still, the road was as difficult as ever (I played several times), and it does not affect shortcuts either.

Thanks for reading!


Oh, thank goodness you don’t have to pass it. I spent 10 minutes on the game and finally understand why my teenagers would rage at geometry dash.