Standard Farm My current plan for my farm coming into year 3. Suggestions or thoughts?


I always recommend staggering the trees so that you can see the row behind. Also, put paths all over your tree grove to keep new seeds from sprouting and getting in your way! Drives me crazy if I constantly have to clear the path. I love the layout tho!


Staff member
Unless you're planting fruit trees, the regular trees only need a single space between them, so I'd recommend backing them more densely and giving that extra space to your barn animals. Otherwise looks good!


Unless you're planting fruit trees, the regular trees only need a single space between them, so I'd recommend backing them more densely and giving that extra space to your barn animals. Otherwise looks good!


I always recommend staggering the trees so that you can see the row behind. Also, put paths all over your tree grove to keep new seeds from sprouting and getting in your way! Drives me crazy if I constantly have to clear the path. I love the layout tho!
Didn't think about this. I will definitely add this in. :)


A thought : get some fantasy ? your design looks so square. Sorry to say so and look unfriendly. No bad intention though. Just, ammmh, taste ?


I, personally, would have less trees and make more fish ponds and rows of chests for items. You might be putting chests in the sheds but I use sheds for certain things like one of my sheds is full of crystalariums and another with furnaces, etc, otherwise great farm! good layout!


I, personally, would have less trees and make more fish ponds and rows of chests for items. You might be putting chests in the sheds but I use sheds for certain things like one of my sheds is full of crystalariums and another with furnaces, etc, otherwise great farm! good layout!
I agree with this, fish ponds just add something else to the game to maintain. Something to quest with a little too.