My best shot...

Simple Man

I'm new to the community and a veteran to Stardew. When multiplayer launched my wife and I both spent (and still spend) countless hours farming- mining- foraging- away. We've been through the mines sewers and swamps, and even parenthood. We both play on xbox one and look forward to v1.5 to release.

The best ideas I've came up with range from little to large.

Yearly events and crops that happen on even numbered years- some on odd. Starting at year 3.

Different mounts-could it be a Llama could be a donkey. Even a unicorn.

Region farms and animals... A barn themed for each region. There are alot of animals that can fill the slots... From elephants hippos and rhinos to pet spiders, goose/geese, pigeons and a pet bird of prey like a... Hawk...

Speaking of animals...
A new barn- Terrarium pen.
Turtles, frogs and snakes...
And side effect animals like raccoons squirrels and mice... (We have raccoons living under the garage)

-plot expansions for the property that make it even larger.

-Tractor? gas mower? Push mower??

-Is there any chance to tie together a random map generator for the over world, let players add on a garage with family car for week long vacations to random citys??
(Option to keep a layout or two for return visits keeping continuity...?)- like marriage- set vacation week one week ahead...
Players choice. Each area could also have reward resorts for decor items. A theme park for games and toys. A monument for souvenir placements. A snow resort (winter bits in summer!)...

Placeable arcade machines?? (Atari grade, mario- space invaders... Pacman...) Its one level.

For harder play throughs- utility costs.
Electric, even cable tv.

Add more theater spoofs. Works well with utility costs- cable tv:Cooking 1, cooking 2, outdoor 1 and 2, history, cartoon, movie.

Puppies and kittens! Small detail-big event! Give away? Sell?? How do the towns people feel?

Double the seed amount. Trees too.
There are two kinds of apples... And pears. What about grapefruit? Carrots? Soy beans? Single purpose animal machines- yogurt... Butter... Soup stock (beef/chicken?) And what about flower trees?? There are flowers for bees... Why not tree flowers as well???

Lineage... Reset your game in its own story loop. Setting you up for a fresh playthru. Randomize NPCs a bit...
Give it 100% fresh playthru at the players whim.

...i have more. This is only some of the best that i have.

Short of a tileset editor so players can design their own outfits beyond the existing system. Another endgame bar after the endgame bar after the endgame bar. So players can loop around their own save and play same game-always new.

Thanks for reading.
We love this game.