Question Multiple SMAPI installs for different versions?


Hi all. As the title says, I'm trying to make another instance of smapi in 1.5 to play the haboo's roguelike mod. I've read through the wiki's guide to have multiple mod groups, and I've also read multiple guides to have multiple installs of a steam game in different versions, but I can't quite figure out how to combine them. For context, I'm running smapi through steam as a non-steam game. I'd appreciate if anyone could walk me through this, thanks!


I don't know what is your actual problem, as the mods are in the folder "Mods" and SMAPI iis installed elsewhere. I have a very simple way of having separate runs with different mod combinations: I rename the Mods folder to something else (typically "Mods-Farmername" or "Mods-Farmname" and refill the Mods folder (there is at least one Mod to arrange Mods but I've been too lazy to check how it actually works). So if I wish to switch back to an earlier save I just change the names again (and see the console log yelling at umpteen unupdated mods but that's another matter). A bit clumsy but usually works.


I don't know what is your actual problem... if I wish to switch back to an earlier save I just change the names again...
I understand that, but the mod I want to use is for an older version of stardew, so I would additionally have to update to a different version each time I wanted to switch mod sets. I was just wondering if I could use a faster method, such as having multiple installs, and how that might interact with smapi. I'm considering just using your method for now, but for a long term solution it's just a bit too inconvenient for me.


Hmmm. When you install SMAPI it asks for a installation folder. If you have the older version installed in a different place, I presume you could start the game from there (i.e. instead of going to the screen icon or starter menu which of course start the default, going to the alternative folder and starting from there).