I'm the host for a multiplayer farm I run with a friend. Our characters are married to each other. For various reasons, we have fully upgraded both the farm hand's cabin and the host's house, so we could sleep in either house. At this point, we have chosen the host house to sleep in. Unfortunately, if my spouse doesn't make it to bed in time, they wake up in the other house, even if they fell asleep next to the bed.
It would be great to be able to set a preferred house for players, in the same way that a specific coop or barn can be set as a home for a farm animal. Then players whose characters are married to each other could wake up in the same house, even if they stayed out too late.
It would be great to be able to set a preferred house for players, in the same way that a specific coop or barn can be set as a home for a farm animal. Then players whose characters are married to each other could wake up in the same house, even if they stayed out too late.