Windows Multiplayer keeps disconnecting


Hi there, I've tried to research what's going on in a couple different forums and haven't found anything so I'm hoping this isn't something that been covered already.
I've been playing Stardew since 2016, love the game with all my heart, but I typically play pretty heavily modded. My partner was interested in playing also so I loaded up my clean, non-modded application and we played some co-op on a new farm together. That save file has never touched by my modded SMAPI application. It was working fine, but then several in-game days in he kinda just disconnected randomly while in the mines. For a solid minute the game was still running but he noticed that he wasn't picking anything up in the mines, like stone and copper, it was just sitting on the ground even though he had inventory space. Then it popped up that he had been disconnected, on my screen it said he had quit. He loaded back in and still had all his inventory, just not the things that had been on the floor when he disconnected. We thought it was a fluke but it continued to happen more and more frequently, multiple times while I was standing right next to him which ruled out the "maybe we were too far apart" theory. The last in-game day we played he disconnected 3 times in the same day, all at seemingly random times, no real consistent pattern.

We're both on ethernet plugged directly into our router in the same room so I don't think it's the internet connection but I suppose it might be? I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it just in case I had modded any of the base game files but that actually seemed to make it worse and that's when he disconnected 3 times in the following day of the game. I don't know, we're really lost here. If anyone has dealt with this, how did you fix it?


I have yet to find a solution for this issue. We found someone who said they simply launch the application from the Stardew Valley file on their computer instead of launching through steam, but that took away the option to join an online game, he can only play LAN without launching through steam. Since we are plugged into the same router, we just play on LAN now and that works great, but that obviously isn't going to work for anyone who can't do LAN.