Windows Multiplayer - Haunted Mannequin Erases/Duplicates Clothes, Random Event


There's a random event where the haunted mannequin can switch with the player's clothes. Really charming! However, on multiplayer, if two players sleep in the same house, it will switch both player's outfits, but only wear one of them, meaning one outfit vanishes.

Player A, Outfit A
Player B, Outfit B
Mannequin, Outfit M
Changes to:
Player A, Outfit M
Player B, Outfit M
Mannequin, Outfit A
>No Outfit B :(

Reloading didn't save the outfit, as I'm guessing the event is decided the moment the day changes, so if you lose it, it's gone for good. (Until you make/find/buy it again...)

Game version: 1.6.7, language English.
Modded game, but the event is vanilla, so it shouldn't be affected.

Suggested fixes:
-Only target one player
-Disable the event on multiplayer :(
-Rotate the players' outfits (Player A, Outfit M; Player B, Outfit A; Mannequin, Outfit B) (probably too complicated)
-Put extra clothes in player's inventory/dresser/chest (problematic solution, in case storage doesn't exist)