PC Multiplayer Delay

Hi, I've started playing co op stardew with a friend yesterday, it's fun, but I have a few issues.

For starters, I play modded, they play vanilla, I removed all my mods besides from tractor mod, cjb cheats, and one mod that replaces the fishing tackle sound with "you know what that means? Fish!"
Picking up items has been slightly delayed, and monsters move a little slowly, and the NPCs move weirdly, and on my friends screen, I move weirdly too (although I do have my movement sped up to 5 using cjb cheats.)
What should I do to solve this? Is it a internet problem?
I don't want to remove my mods, my smapi is updated and everything, although we're considering getting rid of the tractor mod for the play through.
We're both fully updated for 1.6. use a laptop, neither are great quality but they work fine.

This dosen't affect our gameplay drastically, it's just mildly infuriating.
I'm 99% sure it's mod related, but it could also be related to the fact we've had our laptops since quarantine lol
Like, mine is missing half it's ram and theirs has dead pixels in the corner.