PC Multi-curious



I (23yo/ US) guess I'll start with the question: how do you find good people to play with on multiplayer? Is there anything I should look out for besides the obvious?

My friends don't play PC, so I'm kinda on my own in virtual spaces, and would like to play with other people. Thing is, I've never played multiplayer with anyone before and am nervous. I really try to prioritize beauty in my farms, and want people to get along.

Can you be griefed in Stardew? How do you find people to play with? What if people are mean? I know this all sounds childish, but I really enjoy playing video games; I only want to have a good time with others.

Any advice would be so appreciated, thanks y'all!


If you’re not already a part of the Stardew Valley discord server you should join because it’s a great way to connect with other players for a co-op. They have a multiplayer request channel and If you want to have specific goals for your co-op like having one of the focuses be on making a beautiful Farm you can just put that in the ad. There is a format for posting you can just copy someone else’s and switch out their answers for yours. It’s basically the user i.e. you your status so whether you want to join someone elses co-op farm or host your own then it asks for time zone so where you are you can also put where you prefer other people be from whether it be the same time zone as you or within 2 to 3 hours of you. The amount of players that you need or want, what platform you play on so PC or switch or Xbox whether you wanna play with mods or not, whether you wanna do the community center or play the Joja route. whether you want to do voice chat and then underneath all that you can just put other and basically describe yourself and what your goals are for the game. Then when you post it and people DM you if they sound shifty or weird just ignore them and once you actually have people to play with it’s really easy to create your own discord server for the co-op so that way you guys can voice chat if everyone agrees or just text chat. Then when you guys start playing if you don’t get along or someone is not sticking with the agreed-upon plan or they are just being a jerk then you as the host can just kick them out.

p.s. yes you can be griefed in Stardew I don’t think it happens THA often but if it does you’ll realize it pretty quickly and you can just kick them out of the game
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