Most well written character

Who, in your opinion is the most well written character in the game. Doesn’t even need to be romanceable. I’m not asking for marriage opinions (even though we all know Krobus is the best), rather I am trying to have an academic discussion of who was written the best from a narrative standpoint. i.e. who had the best/most interesting/most engaging character arc or story. In my humble opinion it is Haley since her heart events feel naturally progressive.

Lew Zealand

I think Haley's progression is easier to track as it's more linear in that she turns from self-centered to introspective in a gradual way but IMO nothing compares to Shane. The man has real demons and comes very close to losing to them on more than one occasion and if you track his progression, he turns his life around pretty well, especially if you marry him. And perhaps the masterstroke is that once he's at 10 or 14 :heart:, some of his dialog continues to be interpreted by some people as him possibly falling off the wagon, yet I have yet to encounter dialog that I interpret that way. That's a loaded take however as I kinda rarely talk to anyone once I have them at 10 :heart: because I'm lame that way. OK and usually asleep under a tree. But the fact that people waver on whether Shane is wavering means a pretty clever amount of ambiguity has been folded into his character. Like a real person instead of a character archetype.


Willy: Very convincing and believable. Could very easily be a real person, or something.

Abigail: Angsty, rebellious teen, as if straight outta real life, if i ever saw any (minus the rock eating part, which was an error, then a joke and ultimately, a "meme").

Sam: Delinquent and full of anxiety. Typical youth.

Lewis: Compared against real life, small time, rural communities' majors, guy is something like a paragon of virtue or something (solid rock bottom of the sewers type of "good").

Governor: More boorish than the peasantry itself, full of greed and weaknesses that readily show (both at gobbling up soup and being lost in the theater, gazing meaningfully at that vixen).

Forest Bear in "Sicrit Woodz" asking for "Maply Sirup": Unique and lovely. Poor, adorable thing, even rang me a telephone call at home, at 23:00 pm to casually chat with!