More Ways to Get Clay


I always have had difficulty finding enough clay for constructions, pots, etc. Currently, I use mods to automate clay, but it'd be really cool if it was a purchasable resource, like wood, stone, and ores. I think it'd make sense to go be sold by Robin, since she uses it and already sells stone.

Lew Zealand

Hi Data Expunged and Welcome to the Forums! If you've opened up the north part of Ginger Island, you can farm a small but usable amount of Clay every day at the Dig Site and this has generally kept up with my Clay uses, though your usage may be more than mine. This if course is less useful than just buying it but is a reasonable (and currently available!) in-game option that doesn't waste much time. It does end up being relatively expensive as you need to pay your way to Ginger each time until you get the Obelisk but since the Clay accumulates, you don't need to go every day or even every other day, just clear it out each time to leave enough spots for new spawns to accumulate there.