More of what you sell should be in shops.

It's weird when you think about it that only Gus and Willy sell food. I mean Marnie takes a whole day of work to go shopping at Pierre's. They only thing he sells are rice, flour, sugar, vinegar and oil. You would think that he would have basic crop items for the season like potatoes, corn and eggs/milk. Where is all the food that feeds this town. Does pierre not sell you food intentionally. Does Joja do the same? What is this town eating?

They should have crops based on what your selling and I don't mean if you ship 999 blue berries that pierre stocks 20. You should see your items in his store minus of course what is bought by the shoppers. Heck this could be repurposed into a vialable mechanic that if their is a shortage of a certain crop you could sell that as a increased value. Like no potatoes in his shop he would buy them at a 10% increased value. He has 999 ancient fruit wine. He lowers his payment level by 10-50%(how much booze can one town go through. This could help encourage diversity in crops grown as well.

Maybe you could include a advertising campaign at lewis's to increase the sales of goods from your farm as well. By default also include that during festivals your items might sell faster like all product stock decreases by half or 100 whichever is greater. Maybe include a commercial during the ad period on tv that you can hear your farm being mentioned.

Things for ad consideration. For pierre it mentions how many blue ribbons at the fair you won. For Willy describe your fishing level. For Marlon mention your hunter rank. For Gus mention the luau quality. For Marnie it does a shout out of you most happy animal. For Clint it mentions the museum and the broad variety of ore.
I am not a fan of dynamic pricing - SDV should not become a hardcore business simulation. But I like the idea of seeing sold fruits/crops at Pierres as well as having Marnies products there.

Alternatively the NPCs could sell the stuff they produce: so Leah sells some wood art, Emily some clothes, Kent some explosives (instead of the dwarf), Elliott maybe some shells or lobster...
I am not a fan of dynamic pricing - SDV should not become a hardcore business simulation. But I like the idea of seeing sold fruits/crops at Pierres as well as having Marnies products there.

Alternatively the NPCs could sell the stuff they produce: so Leah sells some wood art, Emily some clothes, Kent some explosives (instead of the dwarf), Elliott maybe some shells or lobster...
The only reason why I suggested a dynamic price is because it seems the biggest complaint is that people only sell ancient fruit once a greenhouse is built. They want diversity so the request ancient fruit getting nerfed. They are three threads o saw wanting this again. After that it will be starfruit, then pineapple the ancient again making it silly
Okay, I get it... But than it would be easier to lower the price for ancient fruits (and some other). On the other hand many late game objects are pretty expensiv. So these must be cheaper as well.
At the core you complain about some balancing issues during the game-progress. And yes, I see that too but it's not a big problem for me yet.
Okay, I get it... But than it would be easier to lower the price for ancient fruits (and some other). On the other hand many late game objects are pretty expensiv. So these must be cheaper as well.
At the core you complain about some balancing issues during the game-progress. And yes, I see that too but it's not a big problem for me yet.
I don't have the problem with pricing as is. I am somewhat diverse as I have the animal goods, a collection of ponds, a green house full of fruit trees and ancient fruit, and a ginger island full of fruits for making jellies. I feel I am diverse enough but some people will still imply your industrializing if your growing nothing but renewable crops.